KlickerUZH: Introduction and Didactic Use Cases

Have you ever felt the need for more interaction in your classroom? In this hands-on course, you will not only familiarize yourself with the functionalities of the audience interaction platform KlickerUZH, but also learn how to use the tool effectively in different didactic use cases. In addition to working with questions, courses, and operating the user interface, you will gain insights into the students' perspective. You will discover how KlickerUZH can not only enrich your lectures, but also promote the active participation and understanding of your students in the long term and outside of the classroom. You will also understand how to get insights from your learners by applying learning analytics metrics available within KlickerUZH.
In large lectures, reaching and interacting with all students or identifying gaps in knowledge often pose significant challenges. This is where KlickerUZH comes in: By asking targeted questions in the form of a live quiz or by giving students the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback through Live Q&A, it not only ensures that lessons are comprehensible, but also directly identifies where there is a need to catch up. Beyond the classroom, KlickerUZH supports asynchronous learning by delivering content in small, easily digestible portions as part of microlearning and practice quiz activities. The incorporation of gamification elements, such as points, rankings, and achievements, adds a motivational and playful dimension to the learning experience across all activities and an entire course. 

Code: HS24-AKU1
Sprache: English
Online-Kurs Ja
Kursleitung: Roland Schläfli
Weitere Kursleitende:

Schlapbach Julius

Daten: Fr 06.09.2024 (09:00 - 11:30 Uhr)
Angebot: Weitere Informationen zum Angebot.
Anmeldung nicht möglich. Kurs hat bereits begonnen.
