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Python: Data Analysis Essentials
In recent years Python has been the fastest growing programming language. As a universal programming language Python is used in a huge variety of application domains. Particularly, in scientific and numeric computing Python is becoming one of the most utilized languages.
This course will introduce the essential Python methods for preparing, cleaning, transforming and aggregating data as well as its visualization. For this purpose, we will start with a short wrap-up of data structures in Python before expanding our skills with the built-in functions for data manipulation and the interaction with files. We move on to the add-on libraries pandas and NumPy which are designed specifically for data analysis. Finally, we will introduce basic information visualization techniques.
Allgemeine Informationen
Dauer | 12 hours |
- Writing and running Python using Jupyter Notebooks
- Data import and processing
- Creating NumPy arrays
- Indexing and slicing in NumPy
- Aggregating data in Pandas
- Basic information visualization
For your self-assessment, the enclosed Python source code on this page (ZIP file) may help. The code should be understood after 10 minutes at the latest.
Code | Referierende | Daten | Plätze frei | Ort | |
FS25-APPD-01 | Bubanja Kaju |
(09:00 - 16:00 Uhr)
15 | Universität Zürich Zentrum | zur Anmeldung |