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- Linux: Bash Workshop (TheAlternative.ch)
- Linux: Introduction to Open Source Software (TheAlternative.ch)
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Linux: Bash Workshop (TheAlternative.ch)
Want to save time performing complex, repetitive tasks? Bash is a concise, super-fast and robust scripting language for manipulating data and files. Bash scripting is widely used to build analytics pipelines in the cloud.
In this course, you will learn the basics of Bash scripting.
Allgemeine Informationen
Dauer | 2 hours |
- Introduction to Bash
- Bash script structures
- Commands and Arguments
- Variables and Parameters
- Expansion
- Control Statements
You will need a working knowledge of common command line programs and arguments.
Students and researchers of UZH and ETH Zurich working with the command line in the (Science) Cloud or on their own machines.
You will be able to write your first scripts using Bash.
You can download the slides from our website https://gitlab.ethz.ch/thealternative/courses.
In a mix of theoretical input and practical exercises.
- Please bring your own computer to the course as the terminal cannot be used on managed devices in the course room!
- This course is offered in collaboration with The Alternative.
Code | Referierende | Daten | Plätze frei | Ort | |
FS25-TABW-01 |
Wasser Ian Marti Noah |
(18:00 - 20:00 Uhr)
18 | Universität Zürich Irchel | zur Anmeldung |
FS25-TABW-02 |
Wasser Ian Marti Noah |
(17:00 - 19:00 Uhr)
18 | Universität Zürich Irchel | zur Anmeldung |